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‘Get Out From Here Or… ‘: Chinese Citizens Get 90-day Ultimatum In Balochistan After Gwadar Attack

BLA Majeed Brigade – Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has issued an ultimatum to Chinese citizens

'Get Out From Here Or... ': Chinese Citizens Get 90-day Ultimatum In Balochistan After Gwadar Attack

Militant group Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has issued an ultimatum to Chinese citizens. The BLA has asked Chinese citizens to leave the resource-rich Balochistan province in 90 days. The ultimatum by the group comes a day after BLA's attack on a Chinese convoy in Gwadar.

Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA)

Militant group Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has issued an ultimatum to Chinese citizens. The BLA has asked Chinese citizens to leave the resource-rich Balochistan province in 90 days. The ultimatum by the group comes a day after BLA’s attack on a Chinese convoy in Gwadar. The BLA has warned China of intensified attacks if they do not abide by the ultimatum. Watch the video for more.

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) which has claimed responsibility for the attack on Chinese engineers issued a 90 days ultimatum to China to vacate Gwadar and other developmental projects in the region. They have announced the completion of the third phase of “Operation Zir Pehazag”.

Though China and Pakistan in their official statement made no mention of the citizens killed in the suicide attack. According to BLA four Chinese nationals and eleven Pakistani military personnel were killed and several others were injured.

A convoy carrying Chinese engineers to the Beijing-financed Gwadar Port in Pakistan’s southwest was attacked on Sunday. The attack occurred near the Gwadar police station in Balochistan when the convoy carrying 23 Chinese engineers was passing the police station and an IED blast took place.

Chinese Consulate General in Karachi in a statement later in the day said that all its citizens remained safe without being injured in the attack.

The separatist Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the attack on vehicles carrying Chinese engineers in the southern coastal city of Gwadar, where China is building a seaport.

“BLA Majeed Brigade targeted a convoy of Chinese engineers in Gawadar,” the armed group, which is banned in Pakistan, said on social media.

Chakar Baloch, the police superintendent for the district of Gwadar, where the attack took place, told media that a clearance operation is underway after clashes between police and militants went on for two hours. Two security personnel were injured.

Pakistan’s armed forces said at least two militants were killed and three others were injured in an exchange of fire with security forces.

The military said that security forces have cordoned off the entire area and launched a search operation.

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan strongly condemned the terrorist act.

“The Embassy and the Consulate General in Karachi launched an emergency response immediately, requesting the Pakistani authorities to conduct a thorough investigation on the attack, severely punish the perpetrators, and take practical and effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again,” it read.

It also said that China will continue to work with the Pakistani side, to jointly counter the threats of terrorism and earnestly protect the safety of Chinese personnel, institutions, and projects in Pakistan.

The Chinese Embassy also informed its citizens in Pakistan to be vigilant and take preventive measures against security risks, and to ensure the safety of their lives and property.

“Given the current security situation, the Chinese Embassy reminds Chinese citizens in Pakistan to be vigilant and take preventive measures against security risks, to ensure the safety of their lives and property,” the Chinese embassy informed its citizens via a press statement.

In the past, various Baloch separatist groups have claimed attacks on projects linked to the massive China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, with thousands of security personnel deployed to counter threats against Beijing’s interests, reported news agency AFP.


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