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A 16-year-old Baloch teenager was injured by the shooting of the Makki village border check post

A 16-year-old Baloch teenager was injured by the shooting of the Makki village border post
A 16-year-old Baloch teenager was injured by the shooting of the Makki village border post

A 16-year-old Baloch teenager was injured by the shooting of the Makki village border post

According to Haal Vash report/ yesterday, 10/05, 2023, a 16-year-old Baloch child, who had taken his sheep to their land for grazing, was injured by direct fire from Makki checkpoint officers located in Dost Muhammad city.

The identity of this Baloch child, Yasin Sasoli, 16 years old, the son of Ibrahim, from the border village of Sasoli, in Hirmand, has been confirmed.

According to the Haal Vash sources, Sasoli village is attached to the border line where Yasin took his sheep to graze on their land, the veterans of the Makki police station shot at him from the top of the tower, and he was injured in the jaw area after being hit by a bullet and was taken to the hospital. “Zablo Yepes has been transferred to Zahedan.”

It should be noted that in the past, in similar cases, the officers of the Makki police station shot at the citizens of Sasoli village without prior warning, as a result of which several people were killed and injured.

حال وش

زخمیشدنیکنوجوان۱۶سالهبلوچبراثرتیراندازیپاسگاهمرزیروستایماککی بهگزارشحالوش/ روزگذشته۲۰اردیبهشت۱۴۰۲،یککودک۱۶سالهبلوچکهگوسفندانخودرابرایچرابهزمینهایشانبردهبودباتیراندازیمستقیممامورانپاسگاهماککیواقعدرشهردوستمحمدمجروحشد. هویتاینکودکبلوچ “یاسینساسولی “۱۶سالهفرزندابراهیماهلروستایمرزیساسولیازتوابعشهرستانهیرمنداحرازشدهاست.” بهگفتهمنابعحالوش:” روستای ساسولی به خط مرزی چسبیده که یاسین گوسفندان خودش را برای چرا بر سر زمینهایشان برده کهنیروهای پاسگاه ماککی از بالای برجک به او تیراندازی کرده اند و او پس از اصابت گلوله به ناحیه فک زخمی شده و به بیمارستان ،زابلو یپس به زاهدان منتقل شده است”.


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