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Five People Arrested for Sending Starlink Equipment to Iran’s Baluchistan

Baluchistan Zahedan: Five People Arrested for Sending Starlink Equipment to Iran’s Baluchistan

Five People Arrested for Sending Starlink Equipment to Iran’s Zahedan
Five People Arrested for Sending Starlink Equipment to Iran’s Zahedan

Baluchistan Zahedan: Iranian authorities arrested five people in the capital city of Baluchistan, Zahedan on October 2 for smuggling Starlink satellite internet equipment for an undisclosed group, semi-official media claimed.

“Several days prior to September 30, a particular service sent communication equipment and Starlink devices to a specific group in the capital city of Baluchistan, Zahedan,” Tasnim news agency, which has close ties with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), reported on October 2.

The report cited an unnamed source as saying that the operation was orchestrated by an “espionage organization” in collaboration with the exile opposition People’s Mujahedin Organization.

It did not provide any evidence to support the claims.

The satellite Internet service Starlink helps Iranians circumvent the government’s restrictions on accessing the Internet.

In December, as Iranian authorities imposed increasingly severe restrictions to access the internet in an effort to limit information about protests that had broken out nationwide, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said that his company was close to having 100 Starlink satellites active in Iran.


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