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The whole country is running on lies. Former Prime Minister of Pakistan

The whole country is running on lies. Former Prime Minister of Pakistan

Pakistan is 'standing on the edge of darkness,' former leader Imran Khan says
Pakistan is 'standing on the edge of darkness,' former leader Imran Khan says

Prosecutors in the hearing of the 190 million pound reference case against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief and former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
The statements of three more witnesses of the Accountability Bureau (NAB) have been recorded.

While the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan while talking to the media during the trial in Adiala Jail has said that everything is running on lies, the election was faked, the credibility of the institutions was destroyed.

According to the journalist Rizwan Qazi present in the court room, Imran Khan said that the security threat is also a lie. He said that the whole country is running on lies, the institutions have been destroyed and PTI was not allowed to enter the field in the elections.

Imran Khan said that the voter took revenge on him on the polling day, but the change was not recognized through the vote. Imran Khan has further said that he has destroyed the hope of the nation by taking away the mandate.

According to the jail official present in the court room, Imran Khan said that all my predictions have come true, now I am telling you that the Sri Lankan thing is going to happen in Pakistan.

It should be noted that in April 2022, the economic crisis in Sri Lanka intensified and its foreign exchange reserves were almost empty, after which a series of violent protests and demonstrations began in the country.

The basic necessities of life for the Sri Lankan people had become unaffordable. While the availability of fuel in the country was also affected and the health system was on the verge of collapse due to the shortage of medicines.

Angry mobs burnt down the home of Sri Lanka’s ruling Pakshey family, while President Rajapakse himself fled the country.

In response to a question, Imran Khan said that there is no talk of a deal, meetings with lawyers have been stopped. Imran Khan said that our peaceful protest will continue. He said that his party will go to the Supreme Court against rigging in the elections. He said that money is going to flow again in the senate election, Yusuf Raza Gilani’s son was caught in the last senate election, he has not been punished till date.

On the other hand, during the hearing of this case, Judge Nasir Javed Rana of the Accountability Court recorded the testimony of three more witnesses of the prosecution, after which the court has adjourned the further hearing till March 16.

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