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The Baloch as an Ethnic Group in the Persian and Makran Gulf Region

Authors and affiliations Carina Jahani

The Baloch as an Ethnic Group

This chapter aims to describe the Baloch as an ethnic group in the Persian Gulf region, and particularly to discuss issues of ethnic, linguistic, and cultural identity. Balochistan and the Baloch1 have during the past few decades attracted international attention in the shadow of political crises in Afghanistan, such as the Soviet invasion in 1979 and the US ouster of the Taliban government in 2001. Balochistan, the land of the Baloch, is a region with disputed borders situated in southeastern Iran, southwestern Pakistan, and southern Afghanistan. On present-day political maps, Balochistan constitutes the largest province (by area) of Pakistan. In Iran, the province of which Balochistan is a part is also the largest province. It comprises the northern area of Sistan as well and carries the official name Sistan and Balochistan Province.


Indian Ocean Arabian Peninsula Slave Trade Fars Province Free Trade Zone 

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    N. A. Baloch, “The Sultanate of Makran,” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 13/1 (1992): 107–08Google Scholar
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    Beatrice Nicolini, “The 19th Century Slave Trade in the Western Indian Ocean: The Role of the Baloch Mercenaries,” in Jahani et al., The Baloch and Others, 340–41. See also Willem Floor, “The Trade in and Position of Slaves in Southern Iran, 1825–1925,” Studia Iranica 41(2012): 268–73.Google Scholar
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    Sir Frederic John Goldsmid, Eastern Persia: An Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870–71–72, vol. 1 (London: Macmillan, 1876), xlii; see also Hosseinbor, Iran and Its Nationalities, 74.Google Scholar
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    Abdulaziz Y. Lodhi, “The Baluchi of East Africa: Dynamics of Assimilation and Integration,” Journal of the Middle East and Africa 4 (2013): 130.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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    The interested reader can refer to a number of works by both Baloch and non-Baloch authors on the subject. See, for example, Inayatullah Baloch, The Problem of “Greater Baluchistan”: A Study of Baluch Nationalism (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987); Harrison, In Afghanistan’s Shadow; Hosseinbor, Iran and its Nationalities; Breseeg, Baloch Nationalism: Its Origin and Development; and Axmann, Back to the Future.Google Scholar
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    Stéphane A. Dudoignon, “Zahedan vs. Qom?: Les sunnites d’Iran et l’émergence du Baloutchistan comme foyer de droit hanafite, sous la monarchie Pahlavi,” in Denise Aigle, Isabelle Charleux, Vincent Goossaert and Roberte Hamayon, eds., Miscellanea Asiatica: Mélanges en l’honneur de Franfoise Aubin (Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2010), 277.Google Scholar
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    Shahrzad Mojab and Amir Hassanpour, “The Politics of Nationality and Ethnic Diversity,” in Saeed Rahnema and Sohrab Behdad, eds., Iran after the Revolution (London: I.B. Tauris, 1995), 231–32.Google Scholar
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    Anthony D. Smith, The Ethnic Origins of Nations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986), 157.Google Scholar


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