Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of unitary, confederal, and federal governments. Also, find out which countries use which system of government.
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Who has the power in unitary government?
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In a unitary government, all power belongs in principle to the central (national) government. It does not mean that there are no smaller units (e.g. regions) in such a country, but that the national government decided the powers of such smaller units and can take it away at any time.
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What countries are confederal?
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Nowadays there are no confederal countries (confederations), but some historical examples include Switzerland (in 1291-1848), union of Sweden and Norway (1814-1905), or Senegambia (1982-89).
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What is the main difference between federal and confederal?
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The main difference is how much power constituent units vs. national government have. In a confederacy, power and sovereignty belong primarily to the units, while in a federation they are shared between the units and the national government.
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What are examples of unitary government?
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Most countries around the world are unitary. Under a unitary government, power and sovereignty belong primarily to the national government. Some examples include China, Japan, France, or Britain.
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Is the EU a confederation or federation?
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The EU (European Union) is a union of states. It has some features of a traditional international organization and some features of a federal state. It also has some features of a confederacy, such as making decisions by consensus on some issues such as external policy. Yet, it functions as a federation when members make decisions on trade, environmental or industrial standards, or agricultural policy.
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Which countries are confederations?
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Nowadays there are no confederations. Some historical examples include Serbia and Montenegro (2003-06), German Confederation (1815-1866), or the United States (in 1776-1789).
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