Exclusive Interview with Haseeba Qambrani

Haseeba Qambrani's heartfelt plea for the release of her brother and cousin recently went viral on social media. She has been campaigning for the release of ...

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Exclusive Interview with Haseeba Qambrani

Haseeba Qambrani’s heartfelt plea for the release of her brother and cousin recently went viral on social media. She has been campaigning for the release of her brother Hassan and cousin Hizbullah Qambrani, who were forcibly disappeared in February 2020.

This is the second time Haseeba is going through such trauma as in July 2015 her elder brother Salman and cousin Gazain were also taken away allegedly by Pakistani secretive agencies in the same manner. After incommunicado detention of more than a year, their dead bodies were found on 13 August 2016.

The TBP team met Haseeba to know more about what she and her family have been going through.

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Written by Rajank


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