
Balochistan Liberation Charter in English

The ancestral homeland of the Baloch people is called Balochistan, yet today the Baloch are not the masters of their own country. A series of calamitous events – not least the imperialist wars of conquest in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – have distorted Balochistan’s natural development and have prevented the Baloch people from determining their own future.


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Written by Anonymous

Anonymous is a decentralised international activist. You can become an Anonymous publisher to post news from Balochistan.


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Protest rally by Baloch students in Lahore

Baloch students protest abduction by Paki regime in Lahore

Baloch students protesting in Islamabad over disappearances in February, with the slogan #saveBalochmissingpersons.

More than 5,000 people are missing in Balochistan. I want my father back