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The execution of another Baloch prisoner

اعدام یکی دیگر از زندانیان بلوچ در زندان وکیل آباد مشهد

The execution of another Baloch prisoner in Vakil Abad prison of Mashhad, according to the report of Halash Vash/Sahargah today, 04 May 2023, the death sentence of another Baloch prisoner for drug-related charges, who was previously sentenced to death, in Vakil Abad prison of Mashhad.

The identity of this Baloch prisoner “Noorahmad Zarouzhi (Nahtani)”, married with a child from capital city of Baluchistan in Zahedan, has been confirmed. According to a source familiar with his current situation: “Noorahmad was arrested in Mashhad in 2009 on charges of drug possession and was tried by the Revolutionary Court. Shahr was sentenced to death for a century, and his sentence was executed this morning.

It should be said that including the execution of this prisoner, at least 19 Baloch prisoners, including two women, have been executed in the prisons of the country. The execution of Baloch citizens has increased significantly in the country, so that from August 29, 2022 to May 04, 2023, at least 123 Baloch citizens have been executed in various prisons of the country. They consider it a form of revenge and retaliation by the government against the oppressed Baloch minority.

حال وش

به گزارش حال وش/ تصویر زندانی بلوچ جابر امینی فر که سحرگاه روز ۹ اردیبهشت ماه ١۴٠٢، از بابت اتهام مرتبط با مواد مخدر، درزندان بیرجند بدون اطلاع خانواده اعدام شده است. “جابر امینی فر ” فرزند خان علی متاهل و دارای فرزند ساکن روستای شغالک از توابع شهرستان دوست محمد احراز شده است.


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Written by Anonymous

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