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The Baluch people of Zahedan resumed the protest rallies after Friday prayers

Iran accused 26 people in the bloody massacre of Zahedan
Iran accused 26 people in the bloody massacre of Zahedan

The brave Baluch people of Zahedan resumed the protest rallies after today’s Friday prayers and chanted slogans against the Iranian regime and its leader, Ali Khamenei.

The protests took place while the regime has taken extreme measures to prevent any kind of protests and rallies on the anniversary of the 2022 uprising.

According to the regime’s own media, security forces arrested hundreds of people in the past few days. There is especially heavy presence of security forces in Sistan and Baluchestan as we approach the anniversary of the “bloody Friday of Zahedan.” On September 30, 2022, security forces opened fire on peaceful protesters in Zahedan and killed more than 100 civilians, including more than a dozen children.

On Friday, the protesters held placards in commemoration of the victims of the bloody Friday. And they chanted the slogan, “I will kill those who killed my brother!” making it clear that they will not forgive the regime for its crimes.


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Written by Anonymous

Anonymous is a decentralised international activist. You can become an Anonymous publisher to post news from Balochistan.


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