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Rasheeda and her husband Abdul Raheem were abducted by Pakistani forces

Sohrab Haider on Twitter: “#Balochs have held around 385 protests in the last year. The reasons have varied from time to time but there is one common thread in all these protests and that is the illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan. #FreeBalochistan@Balochzaag@Hani_Baloch7 @MeerakQadeer / Twitter”

Balochs have held around 385 protests in the last year. The reasons have varied from time to time but there is one common thread in all these protests and that is the illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan. #FreeBalochistan@Balochzaag@Hani_Baloch7 @MeerakQadeer


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Written by Anonymous

Anonymous is a decentralised international activist. You can become an Anonymous publisher to post news from Balochistan.


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Balochistan got independence from the British on 11th August 1947, but the independence was extremely short-lived. On 27th March 1948, Pakistan occupied Balochistan and continues to occupy it till today

#PakArmy continues its dirty work of #EnforcedDisappearances.

Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army bombed a patrolling team of Pakistani Coast Guard