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Obstruction of the security forces by Maulvi Abdul Hamid’s rebellion to the flooded areas

Obstruction of the security forces by Maulvi Abdul Hamid’s rebellion to the flooded areas

Maulvi Abdul Hamid, Friday imam of Ahl al-Sunnah Zahedan
Maulvi Abdul Hamid, Friday imam of Ahl al-Sunnah Zahedan

News sources reported that the security forces in Zahedan Road Police encountered Maulvi Abdul Hamid and his family and prevented them from visiting the flooded areas of Dashtiari in Chabahar.

It has also been announced that at Zahedan exit police, the security forces stopped him and the two children of Maulvi Abdul Hamid in front of the car, which was accompanied by his resistance.

“Halvash” news website announced that Maulvi Abdul Hamid’s stop with his family and other companions in front of the security forces checkpoint at the Zahedan to Khash police station led to the release of his two teenage children by the security forces.

On this basis, it has been announced that a number of people from Zahedan and the surrounding areas were going to this place to join Maulvi Abdul Hamid in the Zahedan to Khash police force, which has led to the release of his children.

Halesh website has emphasized that the main excuse of the intelligence forces for preventing Maulvi Abdul Hamid from traveling to the flooded areas was his non-participation in the recent elections.

According to this report, Maulvi Abdul Hamid’s entourage consisted of eight cars.

The lack of attention of the responsible authorities to the flood-affected cities and villages of Sistan and Baluchistan province has caused a lot of criticism in recent days.


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