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Heavy rains in Balochistan – Kanarak, Jashk, Bashkard, Turbat

The monsoon rains from western Balochistan have wreaked havoc in Jashk, Bashkard, Konarak, Chabahar cities of western and eastern Balochistan, especially in Makran. Rains are continuing in Konarak, Chabahar, Konarak, Chabahar, Kich, Gwadar and Panjgur districts of eastern Balochistan till the latest reports.

The rain which started at 8.30 last night is continuing with thunder and lightning in Konarak, Chabahar, Turbat at present.

The district administration has issued an emergency alert and people have been asked to stay confined to their homes and not allow transporters to withdraw their services.

On the other hand, the rains have also caused loneliness in Dasht area of ​​the district where the land connection of Dasht-e-Balangur with the district headquarters Turbat has been cut off due to road congestion. The risk of floods has increased due to heavy rains in Kashap and surrounding areas while the residential areas are also in danger of flooding.

Due to heavy rains in Turbat Askani Bazaar, water has entered the houses and people have been forced to stay under the sky in extreme cold.

Due to heavy rains in Gwadar district, roads began to look like sea, paralyzing urban life.

According to the Meteorological Department, strong winds will blow over Quetta, Zhob, Barkhan, Ziarat, Pishin, Chaman, Qila Abdullah, Qila Saifullah, Dalbandin Chaghi, Turbat, Noshki, Kharan, Panjgur, Gwadar, Harnai and Lasbela during the next 24 hours. Thunderstorms, rain and snow are expected in the mountains.

There are reports from western Balochistan that due to urban floods in Kanarak, rain water also entered houses and Kanarak hospital.

“Due to heavy rains and floods, the main road of Joshkak has been blocked due to heavy rains,” said the head of the Department of Roads, Head of the Department of Total Roads and Transportation of Hormozgan.

Mohammad Khazaei added: “Now, three groups of roadmen from Jashk, Bashkard and Minab are looking for a way back.”

According to the General Meteorological Department of Hormozgan, rainstorms, thunderstorms, lightning and thunderstorms have been observed across the province today. These conditions include general flooding, flooding and flooding of rivers. Due to the severity of the incident, the equipment was destroyed during the day and night.

In addition, the weather became pleasant after rains in many parts of western and eastern Balochistan where people went out for a walk and entertainment.

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