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Condemnation of the arrest of Maulvi Fathi Mohammad Naqshbandi

Management and community of teachers of Makhzonul Uloom seminary in Khash city
Management and community of teachers of Makhzonul Uloom seminary in Khash city

The administration and community of teachers of Makhzon-ul-Uloom Khash seminary issued a statement, condemning the arrest of Maulvi Fathi Mohammad Naqshbandi and demanding the “immediate release” of him and other arrested clerics, including Maulvi Abdul Majid Muradzahi, Maulvi Fazl-ur-Rahman Kohi and other political prisoners.

The text of the statement is as follows:

In the name of God

“Unfortunate news of the arrest of Maulana Fathi Mohammad Naqshbandi, who was shouting for people’s rights; It caused a lot of pain and suffering and caused more despair, disappointment and separation of the people from the government.

The management and community of teachers of Makhzonul Uloom Khash seminary strongly condemned these unrestricted and illegal arrests and demanded the immediate release of Darband scholars. In particular, Maulana Fathi Mohammad Naqshbandi, Maulana Abdul Majid Moradzehi and Maulana Fazal Rahman Kohi.

Screaming for rights and suing is not considered a crime anywhere, and a person should not be prosecuted and prosecuted for being oppressed; Because if this process continues and massive and arbitrary arrests are not prevented, the perpetrators of this case must answer for any negative consequences in the society.”

Management and community of teachers of Makhzonul Uloom seminary in Khash city


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