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Census commissioner says Balochistan – Pakistan population exceeds 20.6m

population of Balochistan
population of Balochistan

QUETTA    –    The population of Balochistan has crossed 20.6 million, said Census Commissioner Noor Ahmad Perkani on Friday. Talking to a private news channel, he said 99 percent of the dig­ital census work has already finished at the province, whereas the rest of it was underway in several blocks of Pashin, Lasbela and Quetta, besides municipal areas including hostels and police stations. The registration of religious seminaries and prisons was also underway and expected to complete by May 15. Perkani said if the results of the census are accept­ed, it may increase 10 seats in the Na­tional Assembly from the province, while the percentage of youth in the province has reached 60 percent.


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