
Beating of a Baluch prisoner in Sheston prison (Saravan)

Beating of a Baluch prisoner in Sheston prison (Saravan)

According to Rasanak,  a prisoner was severely beaten by several prisoners in Sheston prison.

The identity of this Baluch citizen “Asif Hossein Zehi” is the son of Abdul Ghafoor, a resident of Megs (Mehrestan).

The prisoner has been in custody indefinitely for a year on murder charges.

Asef was beaten after the head of the prison, Mr. Nandehi, transferred Asef from ward two to ward three of the prison, where the plaintiff’s first-degree relatives are being held.

It is worth mentioning that both Asif and his family have repeatedly asked the head of the prison not to transfer him to Ward 3, but the prison authorities have not paid any attention. Following Asef’s severe beating by the plaintiff’s relatives, his father suffered a stroke due to stress.

Prison officials are said to have transferred Asif to quarantine after he was beaten, and there is no news of him now.

The family of this prisoner is deeply concerned about the health of their child and demands that the judicial authorities deal with the prison authorities.

The lack of attention and inspection of the judiciary and prisoners in Balochistan and Sistan provinces has caused many officials of these prisons to harm the prisoners through tasteful and extrajudicial measures.

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